Hello Kitty Wiki
Hello Kitty Wiki

Caribadix (カリバディクス Karibadikusu) is a group of characters created as a collaboration between Sanrio and music publisher, rockin'on, in 2016. The group began as a short animation series featured on the TV Tokyo music program, JAPAN COUNTDOWN, on May 7, 2017.

As of 2018, Gaokki is a supporting character for the idol group, Morning Musume.


Gaokki (がおっきー Gaokkī) is the main character, a purple cat-like mascot with yellow button eyes, claws, and some stuffing coming from his left shoulder. He's silly and kind, and longs to support everyone in the band.

Inside Gaokki is Deeky (ディキー Dikī), a tall, brown wolf who loves rock and roll. He looks intimidating, but he has a good heart. His favorite food is miso soup.

Carina (カリーナ Karīna) is the guitarist and lead singer of the band, a pinkish squirrel. She looks sweet and gentle, but can be a little harsh. She likes fried chicken and bossa nova. She treasures her acorn-shaped guitar.

Chipper (チッパー Chippā) is the band's drummer and Deeky's niece, a small yellow wolf. She often wears bells because she tends to wander off.

Fine (フィーヌ Fīnu) is the band's keyboardist, a small blue squirrel wearing purple bows. She fell in love with rock and roll after Carina took her to a festival.


Deeky and Carina met at a festival, where they were both looking to form a band. Carina slowly but surely found Chipper and Fine as her band members, but she wanted to include Deeky in the band somehow, so she made him a mascot costume, who she named Gaokki. As such, the band was born.

Ranking in the Sanrio Character Ranking[]

  • 2018: 87th place
  • 2019: 34th place
  • 2020: 23rd place
  • 2021: 42nd place
  • 2022: 49th place
  • 2023: 63rd place
  • 2024: 62nd place


External Links[]
