Criticrista is a musical band made up of four female Sanrio characters. Band Criticrista is made of four girls; A girl pink pretty kitty named Rosia (ロージア), a girl blue Asian Black Bear named Tsukino (ツキノ), a girl red Holstein Cow named Holmy (ホルミー) and a girl green tadpole named Jacklyn (ジャクリン). They are look like card suit by their suit symbols; Rosia - hearts, Tsukino - spade, Holmy - diamonds and Jacklyn - clubs. Rosia is playing on her guitar, which is called White Cherry♡ (ホワイトチェリー♡ Howaito Cherii♡). Tsukino is playing on her keyboard which is called Blue Bear-san♤ (あおーいくまさん♤ Aooi Kuma-san♤). Holmy is playing on her guitar, which is called Holstein Bell Bell♢ (ホルスターベルベル♢ Horusutaa Beru Beru♡). And Jacklyn is playing on her drums, which are called Kerokero Tadpole♧ (けろけろオタマーっぴ♧ Kerokero Otamaappi♧).