Fluffy, Fluffy Cinnamoroll (ふわふわ♥シナモン, Fuwa Fuwa Shinamon) is a full-color manga series written and illustrated by Yumi Tsukirino and based on an original story by Chisato Seki. Aimed at elementary school girls, it stars the Sanrio character Cinnamoroll and was released in North America by the Vizkids line of Viz Media. It was originally serialized in Japan from 2005 through 2008 in Pucchigumi.
The series tells the story of a cloud puppy who learns how to fly and moves into a café. The cafe's owner believes that the puppy's tail looks like a cinnamon roll, so the owner gives him the name "Cinnamoroll". He and his friends go on adventures and face the antagonist, a dark cloud named Cavity.
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