Kabukinyantaro is a Sanrio character based on a Calico cat and kabuki (Japanese dance show)-themed attire. He lives in Kabuki-za (theater in Tokyo) and dreams of one day performing kabuki on stage. He is said to already have a good kabuki-style voice. His favorite food is ice cream monaka which is sold in Kabuki-za.
He has white, black, and ginger patches of fur including a special heart shape on his back. He has large black and yellow eyes, a striped tail, and pink paw pads. He almost always wears a green and white striped collar tied in a bow with a gold jingle bell that makes noise when he walks.
- Male calico cats are very rare and are thought to bring good luck or happiness.
- Kabukinyantaro shares a joint 2017-2020 copyright with Sanrio and Shochiku.
- He is sometimes shown with a stuffed toy that looks just like him.
- His favorite thing about the theater where he lives is the soft feeling carpet.
Ranking in the Sanrio Character Ranking[]
- 2018: 42nd place
- 2019: 30th place
- 2020: 35th place
- 2021: 32nd place
- 2022: 26th place
- 2023: 25th place
- 2024: 25th place