Hello Kitty Wiki
Hello Kitty Wiki

Nyako-chan (ニャーコちゃん) is a Sanrio character and a friend of U*SA*HA*NA. She's a slightly spoiled crybaby and is often on the verge of tears.

Ranking in the Sub Character Contest[]

The Sub Character Contest is a popularity voting contest for Sanrio's secondary characters.

  • 2016: 39th place
  • 2017-2019: not allowed to participate [1]
  • 2020-2022: unknown
  • 2023: 46th place


Nyako-chan appeared in the video game Hello Kitty Online. You could meet her at Sanrio Harbor. She was said to love hamburgers. Her pronouns used were he/him but this was likely a mistranslation. [2]



  1. During 2016-2018 characters were only allowed to participate for one year. The top 20 from each of these years would be the 60 nominees for the 2019 contest.
  2. https://hellokittyonline.fandom.com/wiki/Nyoko