Shingan Crimsonz is a musical band made up of four male Sanrio characters. Band Shingan CrimsonZ is made of four boys; a red and black boy hedgehog named Crow (クロウ), a boy lion named Aion (アイオーン), which he calls himself a Black Monster and talks when he puts on his hand in front of his face, a boy fox named Yaiba (ヤイバ) and a leader of group, a boy leopard named Rom (ロム) with a hot-blooded personality. Crow is playing on his guitar, which is called Red Tomahawk (レッドトマホーク Reddo Tomahooku). Aion is playing on his guitar, which is called Holy Ark (ホーリーアーク Hoorii Aaku). Yaiba playing on his guitar, it looks like sword, is called Ryuukenden (龍剣伝). And Rom is playing on his drums, which are called Skull Jaguar (スカルジャガー Sukaru Jagaa).