Sugarbunnies is an animated television series starring Kurousa and Shirousa, the Sanrio character duo who make pastries. The Sugarbunnies live in Bunniesfield, Bunnyland. The anime had three seasons, called Sugarbunnies, Sugarbunnies: Chocolat, and Sugarbunnies: Fleur respectively. It aired on TV Tokyo and Kids Station between 2007 and 2009 as a part of Kitty's Paradise Plus.
A group of 14 twin bunnies do various jobs in their homeland of Bunniesfield. One day, they were given a task from the Two Queens due to their mastery in desserts and were sent to Earth. They landed in the house of a little girl named Sophia, who they befriend, and teach her how to make sweets all while staying undercover as plushies and getting into many situations.
- Kurousa and Shirousa
- Latteusa and Cappucinousa
- Buchiusa and Mintousa
- Hanausa
- Momousa
- Aousa
- Aomimiusa
- Strawberryusa
- Blueberryusa
- Komugiusa
- Pandausa
- Sugarbunnies was directed by Hiroshi Kugimiya, the main animator for Death Note, a popular dark shonen series.
- The anime was given a fansub by a Patron user named HamHamParadise, who's sub later got uploaded onto YouTube by sanrioexplorer. (A user on Fandom Wiki, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok who uploads Sanrio Media in the form of English subs or other ways such as general passionate speech.)